Pottery and zellij workshops

From father to son and from one generation to another .The family of LAHKIM has kept the art of an ancient craft of pottery and mosaic ZELLIGE since many years ago.




ART D'ARGILE is working on handicraft sector for decades and it the biggest facility of handmade pottery and zellij .This is why ART D'ARGILE has developed its trend and start showing this kind of art overseas all over the world. Honestly our fabric has now received more than 2,5 million all over the world the globe and willing to share all its knowledge of handicraft and skills of its artisans to visitors for future generations.


Our Program

First, you will visit our fabric to understand the work and get all the information about hand made pottery and zellij tiles. You will then start the workshop by turning the wheel to create your own dish following the master artisan instructions, after creating your product, you will choose the pattern you like the most to paint the different dishes that you will find available in our store. You will also be conducted to solve and assemble the intricate puzzle patterns and get your zellij tile back home.

We are master artisans and we teach several techniques of pottery and tile work.

Our workshop is available to give a wonderful experience that will be unforgettable and very interesting to our visitors who want to learn more about handmade products and develop their skills of making pottery, assembling Zellij and painting.

-2,5 HOURS,









